Welcome to The LCL Show FAQ's
Community Guidelines
At LCLFIT.com, and on our social media handles, we love and encourage our community. We’re all about you: We want to help, inspire, encourage, swap stories (and recipes!), and help make each other’s lives just a little more delicious.
To this end, we’ve established Community Guidelines to help foster our conversations. These are mostly common sense rules, meant to keep things honest and constructive.
Remember to:
1. Play Fair: We don’t allow derogatory comments in the form of name-calling, racial slurs, sexist commentary, or hate-speech of any kind. Comments containing obscene profanity are also not acceptable.
2. Nix the Spam: Comments posted in order to boost the page rank of your own site, sell your goods/services/expertise, or promote your own interests in any way are not allowed.
3. Be Polite: Comments containing personal attacks on any employees connected to this website, other commenters, the subjects of our articles, or any other person connected to this site, will not be posted. Trolling of all kinds is forbidden. If you wouldn’t show your grandmother, please don’t write it here!
Please feel free to:
1. Support and Like: Read something you love or feel inspired by? Email us, on our contact us page!
2. Disagree: Constructive criticism is always welcome. We look to learn from you, too.
3. Share: Do you have something to add to our knowledge-base? Share your own experiences in an email or on social media, and add your own story to ours.
4. Help Us: Let’s keep comments to the same level of quality you expect from us in return. Please participate fairly, and if you see something that you think violates these guidelines, bring it to our attention by contacting us or posting in the thread.
These are a work in progress and will probably change. Check back for the most recent updates, and thanks for lending your voice to our growing community!